Affordable Ways to Promote Your Brand at Events
Customers approach their stand, a rounded, branded line counter, rocked by roll-ups with appealing content. They take a long time to observe the products exposed and to ask for information from employees impeccably in uniform. They collect, inside a bag with the company logo printed in color (courtesy of the house), flyers, product samples, catalogs…
What is Facebook Live + Helpful (Very) Tips
Facebook takes another step towards trying to win the video domain war with the current king, YouTube. This time Facebook has released the real-time video broadcast, similar to Google/Youtube Hangouts. Facebook live video stream is a feature that allows any user to broadcast “live” and in real time within the Facebook platform and without the…
Do you still think the content is KING?… You’re wrong!
You’ve been hearing this expression for a while, but are you aware of its importance? It is said that the content is REI because it has a key role in the field of digital marketing. It attracts visitors, converts them into followers, fans or subscribers, and accompanies them through the various stages of the purchase…
What is Inbound Marketing and How Does It Work?
In this article I will explain the importance of Inbound Marketing and why your understanding of marketing has to be updated in order to improve your online presence and your return on your investments. In Traditional Marketing techniques are used that are disruptive and intrusive, that is, they are techniques based on the act of…
Google Reveals The Most Searched Words in 2015
Like previous years, Google has now revealed the most searched words in 2015, and in this list there are some questions that are still interesting. In addition to the usual celebrities, who are always part of the tops, the “Ques” and the “Whys” captured my attention 🙂 Not being an absolute novelty, it is an…