You’ve been hearing this expression for a while, but are you aware of its importance?
It is said that the content is REI because it has a key role in the field of digital marketing.
It attracts visitors, converts them into followers, fans or subscribers, and accompanies them through the various stages of the purchase process. But is it really like that? Maybe i don’t…
A lot of people think that just write some things, or make some videos, because it is cute and “is fashionable” and because the “gurus” talk a lot about storytelling, etc., and that that is what will make a difference and bring you results.
Are you one of them?
Whether it’s or not, it’s a good idea to read this article.
The truth is that content can and should be the fuel that fuels the relationship between you and your site visitors, your followers, or customers.
It is with this thought in mind that you should create and implement a strategic Content Marketing.
However, the internet has changed and evolved, and if previously the concern of users was to find the content they were looking for on the internet, the concern now is to filter through all the content that is online (which is immense) in order to find the best content for the topic in question.
The question then arises:
Will it be enough to create content to be successful in implementing your Content Marketing strategy?
Clearly not!
Not only is it important to create content, it is absolutely fundamental to create quality content that suits each momentum.
So you still think the content is REI?
Of course you don’t! The real REI is quality content at the right time!
This is King, because this is what will make you stand out from the immensity of results that users find online when searching on this topic.
Discovered the real REI, the important thing is to define the various types of content and the shape, channel and moment as it is presented to your target (target audience).
The Best Content on the Goal
The content may be more or less appropriate depending on your purpose with its creation.
Is your goal to educate your audience on a particular topic? Convert your visitors into customers?
This should always be the starting point before analysing the other aspects of content creation and should always be present at the various stages of content creation as it is crucial in the way content is created.
Best Target Content
To determine how best to create content, your target and consumption habits should be considered.
The content should be appropriate to your target because its format may cause it to have greater or lesser acceptance.
In case your target consumes visual content, anything that is images, videos, graphics, etc. will certainly have an impact and be well accepted.
The Best Presentation Content
The content can be presented in a variety of ways and formats.
In each case should always be analyzed, in addition to the target and your consumption habits, the language and type of relationship you want to create cpm your audience. Do you want it to be something more formal or less formal? with a more direct or more subjective language? a more technical approach or more accessible to all?
In my case, I chose to adopt an informal language, easy and accessible to everyone. In fact, this is one of the pillars of Web Marketing PT, to get quality content to all those interested in these topics, but with a language accessible so that it can be consumed by everyone and not just by marketeers or experts in the matter.
The Best Content for Momentum
Different moments in the purchase process ask for different types of content.
Users who are at a time of information search will surely thank you if you publish informative content on this topic.
Users who are at a time of searching for a solution to a problem, if they find something that presents a solution or solutions to that problem, it will be something that will work very well.
The same for users who are at a time preceding the purchase and who want to compare products or services, in this case a comparison will be something that will help the user and therefore will be very well received.
Distribution – How do I get the message to the recipient?
After analyzing all these points and well outlined your content marketing strategy, it is time to plan your distribution.
It doesn’t just matter about creating content. Its distribution and the effort deposited in it must be as much or even more than that dedicated to its creation.
It is absolutely crucial to invest in the dissemination of your content in order to reach the users who are interested in it, and for this it is necessary to analyze the most appropriate distribution channels for each content format considering also the points listed above.
The choice of the most indicated channels will be decisive in the potential of the distribution of your content and why it is so important that it is done as the same commitment and dedication.
I hope I have helped demystify a little why the content is important and the implementation of a Content Marketing strategy to maximize the potential for lead and business capture.
This is one of the most important ways to support the strategies of Inbound Marketing, which I have spoken of recently.
Have you planned your content strategy?
From your planning to your distribution?