Todos nós (ou quase todos) usamos diária ou frequentemente aplicações que nos são disponibilizadas pelo Google, sejam elas o Gmail, Ads, AdSense, Analytics, entre outras.
Existem, no entanto, muitas outras, algumas que não são do conhecimento de algumas/muitas pessoas, por não serem tão populares como as que referi anteriormente.Uma vez que vão haver agora algumas alterações à infraestrutura das aplicações do Google, achei interessante juntar à informação da alteração, uma lista de todas as aplicações que o Google tem, neste momento.
Esta lista de aplicações está publicada no site do Google, e achei interessante partilhá-la com aqui no blog, pois muito possivelmente nela encontrará algumas aplicações que não conhece e que lhe podem ser úteis:
Produto | Descrição | Disponível |
AdSense | Place Google ads on your website and earn revenue | |
Ads (antigo AdWords) | Display your ads on Google and our advertising network | |
Affiliate Network | Discover new advertiser referral programs and generate more revenue | |
Alerts | Get email updates on the topics of your choice | |
Analytics | Get rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness | |
Android | Google’s operating system for powerful mobile devices | |
Android Market for Developers | Offer Android applications that you develop to the rapidly growing Android user base | |
AppEngine | Run applications that you develop on Google’s scalable, hosted infrastructure | |
Blogger | Share your life online with a blog – it’s quick, easy and free | |
Bookmarks | Access your Bookmarks on any computer, and use Lists to share them with friends | |
Books | Search the full text of books | |
Books Partner Program | Promote your books on Google for free | |
Wallet (antigo Checkout) | Complete online purchases more quickly and securely | |
Custom Search | Create a customized search experience for your community | |
Doubleclick for Publishers | Sell, deliver, report on and bill advertising inventory | |
Doubleclick for Advertisers | Manage, traffic, serve, and review your online advertising | |
Suite Marketplace | Browse for, purchase, and deploy integrated business-oriented cloud applications | |
FeedBurner | Create and manage custom RSS feeds | |
Finance | Business info, news and interactive charts | |
FriendConnect | Add robust, social features to your website | |
Fusion Tables | Import and visualize table data online | |
Google Code | Find documentation for developing with Google’s tools and APIs | |
Chrome Remote Desktop | Securely access your computer from your phone, tablet, or another computer. | |
Google Groups | Create and participate in public discussion groups | |
Google In Your Language | Translate Google’s help information and search interface into your favourite language | |
Health | Organize your medical records online | |
Help Forums | Get questions answered and read popular discussions in Google support communities | |
iGoogle | Add news, games and more to your Google homepage | |
Knol | Share what you know | |
Latitude | See your friends on a map from your mobile phone or PC | |
Maps | View maps and directions | |
Map Maker | Become a citizen cartographer and help map your world | |
Merchant Center | Upload your product data to Google and make it available to Google Product Search | |
Moderator | Gather and prioritize questions or opinions on any topic from a group of people | |
News | Search thousands of news stories | |
Orkut | Meet new people and stay in touch with friends | |
Panoramio | Geolocate, store and organize your photographs | |
Photos (antigo Picasa) | Share photos with friends and family, or explore public photos | |
My Business (ex Places) | Put your business on Google Maps | |
PowerMeter | View your home’s energy consumption from anywhere online | |
Shopping (ex Product Search) | Search for stuff to buy | |
Profiles | Control how you appear on Google and tell others a bit more about who you are | |
Reader | Get all your blogs and news feeds fast | |
Shopping List | Keep track of the products you want to buy | |
SideWiki | Publish helpful information about any web page right in your browser | |
Squared | Build a collection of facts from the Web | |
Subscribed Links | Create custom search results that users can add to their Google search pages | |
Tasks | Keep track of what you need to do | |
Translate | View web pages in other languages | |
Translated Search | Search websites in other languages | |
Translator Toolkit | Get tools for translators to translate your pages and documents faster | |
Voice | One number for multiple phones, online voicemail and cheap calling | |
Wave | Collaborate and discuss content together in one place | |
Search Console (ex Webmaster Tools) | Get detailed reports about your pages’ visibility on Google | |
Optimize (ex Website Optimizer) | Increase the value of your existing websites and traffic | |
YouTube | Watch, upload and share videos | |
YouTube Content Manager | Identify and manage your content with Content ID | |
YouTube Developer API access | Programmatically manage your content on YouTube |
A alteração que o Google está a implementar neste momento, diz respeito à infraestrutura das aplicações, o que de forma mais simplificada para nós, utilizadores, vai-nos possibilitar aceder às aplicações de forma mais simplificada.
No fundo, para nós utilizadores, irá possibilitar-nos aceder às aplicações com os nossos emails de domínios próprios (ex: joao@omeudomí, em vez de ser necessário utilizar a informação da conta pessoal do Google (ex:
Estas alterações estão já disponíveis para os utilizadores as fazerem, e as contas que não tiverem desencadeado o processo de atualização, serão atualizadas automaticamente pelo próprio Google na semana de 14 de Junho.